Cause new waves.

We want to create a new wave based on the microwave absorber.
We started a new company with a strong aspiration.

Beyond customer expectations

We will support you even if your request is out of scope. We aim to diversify our business and improve customer satisfaction.

Wave+X doesn't say NO

I still remember being told "Thank you" in my first job.
Wave+X doesn't say NO to customers' needs and concerns.
This desire of the president has been inherited by all members of the staff.

Wave + X

Cause new waves.

A certain microwave absorber manufacturer was founded in one room of a small building in the spring of 2001. Wave+X Ltd. The board members wanted to cause new waves in the industry, and so attached this desire to the name of the company. This new company started business by providing microwave absorbers. At that time, what Wave+X produced only the desire to succeed and type of microwaves. The president developed the microwave absorber after toiling for ten years. There was not even one customer, and the president didn’t have the answer about who would buy the product or who would sell it either, And Wave+X moved forward anyway while feeling their way to the future.

Wave+X doesn’t say NO to customers’ needs and concerns.

This phrase has come to be used as Wave+X’s motto by customers. It is corporate posture of Wave+X is that never compromises customer satisfaction by thoroughly and continually thinking about customer satisfaction. “When I founded the company, I was happy to have one telephone. I was willing to do anything in order to really satisfy customers. “This desire of the president has been inherited by all members of the staff.

We shall consider the customer’s requests with sincerity and quickness.

Standing by our customers, we aim the future that we all get each goal. We shall consider the customer’s requests with sincerity and quickness, Even if it couldn’t be our business. We beleive our work would be someone’s help.

It’s the Wave+X Way.

It’s a decade from that, Wave+X has developed not only the microwave absorber, but also a toll gate booth, interception stick, and an LED signboard for highways. While trying to keep up with the evolution of the highway. We believing in complete customer satisfaction. This belief motivates us. Wave+X striving for customer satisfaction without stopping or hesitating.It’s the Wave+X Way. It is the goal of Wave+x that they always want to impress the customers by their service.